
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Monday, October 17, 2011

Guess what I did this weekend?

So, I may have mentioned that it's just me and the dog this weekend. As a result, I've had the time and the space to block some of my backlog of knitted-but-unblocked projects. This included my fabulous alpaca cowl:
Which looks a lot better now that it's not all rolled over itself. I also blocked the Haruni that I made over the summer, because I was unsatisfied by my first one:
Lovely, no? And the right size. I love it. It's a great pattern, but I won't be making it again for a while. It's a little monotonous. Which isn't bad, when you have something else to focus on. But I like variety in my projects.

I also blocked the big chunky sweater, but I haven't found the courage to sew it up yet. So it's still hanging around. The body is still a little damp, so I have an excuse. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

And now, in direct violation of a self-enforced rule, I'm going to go cast on a new shawl, because I really want to.