
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Monday, April 2, 2012

Spring Break

Hey Y'all! I hope everyone has been enjoying the warming weather, and maybe some time off? I did. Well, not the warming weather bit, until the end of last week. But I had quite a bit of time off. I went to see Shelby! It was lovely to see her and where she lives. We did some fun stuff, and I had a LOT of knitting time.
I started a February Lady sweater in Berroco Weekend, which I picked up at Jimmy Beans Wool! Yes, that Jimmy Beans. I flew in to Reno, so Shelby and I made Chase take us to the yarn store. He was unamused. And kind of judgy about the fact that I bought an entire sweater's worth of yarn. But he's a boy and doesn't really get it. Anyway, I got a fair amount of sweater done. Which is impressive, considering the lackluster amount I've finished since I returned home.

I can't help it, I've been busy. I helped my mom paint the trim in the living room (turns out the fireplace has been the wrong color for 17 years, who knew?), and then we did yard work, and then I came down with a monster cold and I had to go back to work. Buncha crap. And this cold is kicking my butt.

Since I returned, I have managed to finish a blanket.
 I did most of the work while my parents were out of town 2 weeks ago, but I didn't quite manage to finish before I left for Winnemucca. So I finished on Saturday, after doing yard work. Whew! Just in time for a cold snap, surprisingly.

I also tried spinning a little bit of alpaca roving the other night, but it didn't go well, so I'm not gonna dwell on that. I am, however, going to take some Nyquil and go to bed. In the hopes that tomorrow I will have kicked this cold to the curb. Good night!

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