
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


That's what I woke up to this morning. I was expecting it, but it was SUPER cold and I had to be up and out early for work. I wore my favorite new scarf, the Brisk shawlette that I made this summer on the never ending road trip. It's perfect. Very cute, and you can wear it wrapped around your neck for outside, and draped casually over your shoulders inside, for just a little extra warmth.

Despite the fact that all I wanted to do was curl up inside with the dog and my knitting, I had to actually focus today. As if it's not enough that I had the longest weekend ever, and forgot to turn in my homework, I also had an accounting test tonight. And I didn't get any studying done this weekend, so I had to study today. Not that it helped. The test sucked. But other people thought so too, so maybe I'm not the only one who failed miserably. Hopefully.

Moving on. Want another view of what I saw while I was trying desperately to study for a subject that I struggle with?
There ya go. Doesn't it just make you want to grab a big blanket and some hot chocolate and just burrow? Me too.

On a completely different note: know what I'm doing on Friday? I'm having a pumpkin-carving party. Yes, I really am a legal adult and could go out drinking. I'm choosing to host a pumpkin-carving party instead. It'll be way more fun. Apparently Mariah has never carved a jack-o-lantern before. And who doesn't love scooping pumpkin guts? Weirdos. Wanna see the pumpkin I picked out? Of course you do.
Now I just need to figure out what kind of face he wants to have. It's gotta be a good one. Thoughts?

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