
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Monday, October 24, 2011

In which life returns to normal (whatever that is)

It's official. Shelby and Chase are married, and all of the wedding events are over (except for opening presents, they haven't had the chance to do that yet). I can now return to my regularly scheduled life. It was a pretty hard core weekend. Lots of fun, lots of driving, lots of silliness. Not lots of sleep, unfortunately... but who needs sleep when you're making memories?!

Heads up: this post involves no pictures of knitting, and very little knitting information. Scroll to the bottom if you want to read it, though.

We started out by getting our nails done, then running some errands, and then we went to meet the lady who would be doing our hair! She did a lovely job, day-of:
That's Caitlin's head, because I can't take a picture of the back of my own. And Shelby's hair was mostly covered by the veil. Just in case you were wondering, that hair style is a result of 45 bobby pins and 2 clips, and a ton of hairspray. That's how we roll.

Then, Shelby and I loaded up in my car and hauled ourselves down to the location of the bridal shower. Which was lovely, and Shelby got many pretty presents. The themed shower was a great idea, and I think everyone had fun. Hopefully. I didn't get many pictures of the shower, I was busy leaping around and giving people clothespins, or offering them drinks, or writing down the names and gifts as Shelby unwrapped them. She did get quite a few ribbons, which made a lovely ribbon bouquet for the rehearsal:

After the shower, we headed into Denver for the bachelorette.
We had SO much fun. Lots of dancing, no mishaps, everyone got home in one piece and, as far as I know, no one suffered a hangover, which is more than I can say for the groom. Good times all around!

The next day, we had kind of a lazy morning, I failed to send a fairly important homework assignment in, and we packed up all of Shelby's shower gifts into my car with all our luggage, and trooped back to Fort Morgan for the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner, which I don't really have pictures for, since I was kind of busy at the time.

Then, it was wedding day!

Doesn't she look lovely? This is how she decided to sit on the floor so we could play some cards. Silly games, of course, because we didn't have the attention span for more difficult games.

Caitlin looks totally relaxed, doesn't she? 

Every 30 seconds this happened:
Despite the lovely job that the hairstylist did, my hair is very opinionated, and didn't want to stay put. There was just this one curl that kept popping out. Caitlin did her best to restrain it.
The cake was agreed to be very pretty, and perfectly acceptable, and we didn't have mountains of cake left over, so that was all good. I'm not saying there were no leftovers, just an acceptable amount.

And, since Caitlin and I were completely done with our responsibilities, other than making sure the bride had someone to hold her dress occasionally, we indulged ourselves:
The sad part? We drank most of 2 bottles of champagne, and didn't even get buzzed. No clue what was up with that. Oh well, it was fun, but remind me to never try another marathon wedding weekend. It was exhausting. And going back to work is so hard. I guess it could have been worse, Shelby and Chase had to be up at 3 the next morning to make their plane that was taking them to their honeymoon cruise. Poor buggers. I hope they're caught up on sleep by now...

One result of the busy-ness of this weekend was that I didn't have much time to knit. I think I did all the thumb gusset stitches for the little mitt that I've been working on. But otherwise, mostly nothing. And I'm not even knitting on those things that I already have started now. Know what's sitting next to me on the couch right now? Rainbow mittens! *Wiggly eyebrows*

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