
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Well, it's been a busy week for me. We're starting the final countdown to Shelby's wedding (The Final Countdowwwwwwnnnnnn), and I am starting to freak out. Mostly because apparently my brain fell out when I started my 3rd tutoring job. I know, I sound crazy already. Anyway, I keep forgetting things that need to get done. I realize all of this could be avoided if I kept some sort of physical list, but lists are for people who don't like excitement and adventure in their lives.

Speaking of excitement and adventure, guess what I purchased this weekend?
A spinny wheel! Huffah! Now I can get cracking on the massive backlog of fiber that I keep purchasing because it looks or sounds pretty. I'm very impressionable, and I've therefore learned to limit my exposure to fiber reviews because it always ends up with shame and more wool. But hopefully now I can make some headway against the threatening stash-valanche in a corner of my room. We shall see. It's a double drive, double treadle Ashford Traveller. So exciting! I lurve it.

My knitting has not improved as much as one might hope. Turns out the sleeves of a sweater are pretty much the kiss of death. Almost as bad as second sock (or mitt) syndrome. It's just because they're so long, and boring. There's not much shaping going on, and there's not any change of pattern for most of it. Which makes me fall into a knitting coma and look for more exciting things to do. Like watch paint dry. Anyway, I've finished about half of the sleeves, but I've decided that they're never going to be done. Because it turns out that I made the sleeve holes too big for the sleeves, so now I have to do extra increases. Which isn't really that big a deal, since the sleeves (as wide as they were at the end of the recommended increases) don't fit around my biceps.
Maybe this sweater really wants to be a vest. What do you think?

In other news, Steve Jobs died today of pancreatic cancer. I am saddened by this, since I feel that he was a great deal of the innovation at Apple and I love Apple products, or have up to this point. I guess we'll just see where they go in the future!


  1. SPinnyspinnypsinnypsinyypakjraerjawelkrj...i got dizzy sorry.

    Does it look gooood as a vest?

  2. Ah! I am thinking of getting the Traveler. Keep posting your thoughts about it! Inquiring minds want to know!
