
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Deja Vu

So, I finished the sleeves for the Runcorn. Then, just to be safe, decided to pin the fronts and backs together to make sure the sweater will actually, you know, fit. And I discovered that it was way too short. So I ripped back 8 full inches on the back and began re-knitting it, adding 4 inches to the part before the arm shaping. Because I don't want to end up with a sweater I won't wear. I've put too much work in.

This means that I can't really call what I'm doing this week "progress" because I was already done. And it also means that Caitlin has beaten me at this KAL, because she finished her sweater this week and I did not. This sweater is really starting to wear on me.

On the bright side, and I do mean bright, I got a bunch of yarn in the mail this week! Because the new Knitty went up this week, and it included a pair of mittens with which I quickly became obsessed. And it turns out, the yarn that the design used is discontinued. So, of course I absolutely had to have the yarns, and the mittens. And now I have 8 new skeins of brightly colored yarn, waiting for me to finish the Runcorn. That's my motivation. I just hope it works.

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