
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Do you know what I really wanted today? Sour Punch Straws. Any flavor would have done, really. I thought I would be able to find them at the 7-11 between where I was eating lunch and the place that I park for work. However, such was not the case. It was really very disappointing.

In order to cope with my disappointment and craving, I knit about 80% of a sock:
While I didn't actually finish the sock at work, enough of it was done that I didn't need to do much once I got home. Yay! So I've completed a pair. I'm not sure how I feel about them. They may need one or two repeats of the pattern to be removed. I worry that removing those repeats will make the top of the sock fit, but the bottom and heel of the sock be too short. Therefore, I've woven in the ends and am planning on wearing them around a little before I make a decision.

I also sent the invites for Shelby's bridal shower this afternoon! It was very exciting because, as I may have mentioned, I was getting a bit obsessive about them. I brought them to work with me, so I could finish writing things on the envelope and stamping the envelopes so they'd be as cute as possible. I posted a facebook status about being obsessive about "the invites," even. And apparently "invites" only means one thing to the facebook-verse: wedding invitations. I don't know why so many people assumed that it meant some portentous sort of invite, since it's not like I have a highly-active love life, but there you have it. This morning, I was forced to reassure several people that I wouldn't think of getting married in the near future. Ridiculous.

Also, it is finally time for you to meet Dj's scarf.
Nice colors, right? It's just a shame about having to carry the yarn up the side so much... you can see that on the edge of the scarf in the picture. I'm not sure what to do about that unattractiveness yet. Abby approves of the scarf, though. It's not done yet, although I bet I can finish it before the end of the day tomorrow. She put it on today and started making very satisfied noises about how cozy it is. She often has to go sit outside for long sporting events (Dj plays baseball. In Nebraska.), so she needs cozy clothing, and she prefers to steal that sort of clothing from her boyfriend. I suspect that she will get a lot more use out of this scarf than he will...

Anyway, that's all the knitting that's fit to print. And for those of you who are curious, I managed to find some Sour Punch Straws on my way home from work. Success!


  1. Woot for punch straws. Can I have a DJ scarf? it looks fabulous. :-p

  2. You know, I have been eyeballing the sour punch straws lately too. Lovely! I have 16 blanket squares done w00t! I think the pattern is 50 + whatever I need to make it Chase sized...

  3. I blame Robert for my sour punch straw craving. He had them last time I was in Golden. And I never usually like sour candies, so it must be his fault.
