
A fiber addict's struggle to subdue her baser urges

Monday, August 22, 2011

New week, new work, new knitting

Hi friends! I started my new tutoring job today. I think I mentioned that I'm a tutor at several different schools, today I started work at the UCCS math center. It was pretty boring, since it was also the first day of class for many students, and therefore not many people are obsessive enough to come beg for help from the math center. Since there wasn't much to do, I knit half a sock:

Attractive, right? I think so. I knit the first half of the sock during tutor training (again for UCCS) last Tuesday. I can't even tell you how many people think it's fascinating to see people knitting in public. And how many people asked what I was knitting, whether it was a hat, who was it for, and then expressed surprise that the sock was for me! I suppose the sock looks a bit smaller off the foot than on, so that last part isn't as shocking as I like to think it is.

I can't even explain to you how clever I felt turning the heel of this sock. I mean, heels in general are pretty clever. But I was doing it from memory from the 2 pairs of socks that I've already knit. And it looked Just. Like. A Heel. While I was sitting surrounded by people whose qualifying feature is that they are good at math. I don't know why that last part made me feel clever. But it just did. 

I also cast on the second sock, in the hopes of staving off second sock syndrome. I am a frequent sufferer of second mitt syndrome for my fingerless mitts, so it's a technique that has worked before. But we shall see. I should have lots of time to work on it this week, since I'll also be working at the PPCC math lab, and I'll have class on Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Who knows, I could have a new pair of socks before the end of the week!

P.S. Don't tell me how funny looking the sock is. I already know, and I'm not thinking about it. I have giant feet and as long as the socks look attractive on, what do I care if they look like they could hold the remote to every single one of your tvs?


  1. I rather lurve the sock. What's the pattern?

  2. Oh, I guess I forgot to mention that it's not from a pattern. The stitch is from 400 knitting stitches. It's the X-stitch, from the crossed stitches section. Pretty cute, pretty easy... I like it.

  3. My thought was "Ooh it kinda looks like mini argyle" not "remote cozy!" but now that you mention it....

  4. When it's on my foot, it does kinda look like argyle. When it's off... well, as you can see, it's kinda funny shaped
